force:showToast Message Display In Multiple Lines In Salesforce Lightning Component
Dear Devs,
Today in this post I am going to share a workaround for salesforce lightning force:showToast event to display toast message in multiple lines. without any custom code.
I will be using the power of aura:html tag to do that append this to your lightning component
<aura:html tag="style">.toastMessage.forceActionsText{
white-space : pre-line !important;
Add this to your helper js file.
showToast: function (message) {
var toastEvent = $A.get("e.force:showToast");
"title": "Action not allowed!",
"message": message,
"type" : "error",
"mode" : "sticky"
Not the controller or any other helper method invoke the show mesage method
myfun : function(component,event,helper){
var errMessage = "This is my first error message. \n" ;
errMessage += "This is my senond error message. \n" ;
errMessage += "This is my third error message. \n" ;
The message will appar like above and no custom component is needed to achive that.
Hope this will save your time