Since Salesforce introduces Lightning Web components the code standard and way of doing things changed in Salesforce arena, With the help of readily available out of the box components and the power of modern web stack development it is essential that Salesforce developers must gain proficiency in modern JavaScript.
JavaScript is not new in Salesforce but how it will be used now is different. So I thought to test my skills with this examination.
Exam outline : This exam is similar like PDII. You need to complete an online exam and need to complete a super badge in trailhead
Pro tips
Complete the trail at trailhead from here
Go though the Array methods and constructors from
Go through the Promise
Clear all your doubts about async and await . If you already worked on the Superbadge you have some idea how it works.
Clear your doubts about setTimeOut and setInterVal.
Clear your doubts about querySelector
Clear your doubts about modern JavaScript syntax and methods
Check for the console methods and debugging JavaScript
Difference between const,let and var